
The Madrasah building was completed in 1990. It has eight classes and a hall for multi purpose use. We provide Islamic education to the children from ages of five to fifteen. Madrasah serves all sections of our community.

Key Performance Indicators

➢ Education
➢ Attendance (97%)
➢ Student Achievement
➢ Discipline
➢ Teacher Satisfaction
➢ Progress Reports


Our Syllabus

➢ Ahsanul Qawaaid/ Quran
➢ Fiqh Shafi/Hanfi
➢ Duas/Kalimahs/Surats
➢ Arabic
➢ Tas-heel Ul Aqaaid
➢ Seerah


Madrasah Al Momineen’s aims and goal is to provide outstanding Islamic education for our students. By the grace of Allah SWT we currently have four classes with no more than 15 students in each class, as our aim is QUALITY not QUANTITY. We currently have five teaching staff, all fully qualified and trained in safeguarding, first aid etc. We also have a Specialised Shafi'i teacher who teaches the Shafi'i students their Fiqh.

There will an internal student assessment taking place every 6-8 weeks, followed by one internal exams and an
end of year exam inshallah. The purpose is to ensure that the children are making progress, address any
shortcomings and ensure children are reaching their individual learning targets. It is key you support your child
at home and encourage them to learn and prepare each day.

A Tarbbiyah programme is run every Friday in the weekly assemblies organised by the teachers and students. Every student’s hard work and effort is recognised and rewarded in the weekly assemblies by receiving the ‘Star Of The Week’ certificate.

We will be arranging parents evenings during Madrasah time to give you the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, discuss progress and receive feedback. If you wish to meet your child’s teacher outside parents evening, please utilise your child’s daily diary to communicate or call the office on the number below to arrange an appointment for after 7.15pm

Attendance is a very important and key part of our Madrasah Al Momineen, as this is a big reflection on pupil’s and parent’s commitment towards the achievement of our Madrasah mission. We encourage students to work towards 100% attendance and set a minimum attendance target of 97% per year. Excellent attendance is celebrated and recognised at the end of each term at our awards assembly.
Any absences MUST be reported by parents by ringing the Madrasah office number. Please do NOT text any queries/messages, as they will not be answered. Please bear in mind that the Madrassah will not authorise any holidays, trips abroad or attendance to events during term time.

We would like to start all our classes promptly at 5pm. Late arrivals cause disruption and is detrimental as the child misses out on valuable learning. Please ensure your child arrives to Madrasah promptly and children arriving late on three occasions in a month without a valid excuse will be served a detention. Detentions will be held on a Friday after madrasah for a duration of 15/30mins.

Click below to view our 2019/20 Syllabus

SYLLABUS 2019-2020